River Stour

Clare and Cavendish - Cavendish, Suffolk

This water is narrow winding part of the Stour, medium to fast flow ideal for the angler that wishes to wander trying different swims. Chub, roach and dace are the predominant species and the swims are varied in depth fishes well when rain colours the water well. About one and half miles of single bank in two sections. 

Just upstream from our boundary the Environment Agency are regularly using a site for re-installing Barbel to the river, about four batches of 3000 fish, have now been placed in the river at various points. These fish are beginning to become established with small fish not uncommon in catches on our part of the river.

Shalford Meadow

This venue is primarily a roach and dace fishery. Average depth eight feet fair flow through low winding banks. No boats on this part but fairly wide. Recently the Environment Agency have been stocking the river with Barbel, although these fish are not being placed in this venue a few seem to have moved in and small fish have been caught by our members.

Secretary's Farm - Bures, Essex

This fishery found above Bures on a medium to slow part of the Stour fairly wide with short bends through open meadows with flood banks rising behind the angler good depth to swims six to eight feet banks are lined with bat willow. Excellent roach water with species also present bream, dace, tench and big pike also barbel that have been stocked in the river higher up appear to be moving downstream and it seems that these fish are beginning to become established.

​This is one of our top Big Pike Rivers.

Below is a video available on YouTube covering, this area of the stour around Bures St Mary. It also has a distant look at our fishing at Main Meadow, and Bures Lake.

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