Garnish and Primrose Lakes

Garnish and Primrose Lakes
Keepnets may be used however they must be dry before entering the water to prevent KHV.  50lb limit per net and a separate net for carp.

Primrose Lake & Garnish Lake Rules

1. Fishing times are between 8am and 9pm no members are allowed on the lake after or before these times.
2. No night fishing.
3. Keepnets may be used however they must be dry before entering the water to prevent Koi herpesvirus (KHV). 50lb limit per net and a separate net for carp.
4. Hooks to be manufactured barbless only.
5. The entrance gates must be kept padlocked at all times.
6. Only one rod or pole to be in use at all times. Other rods may be made up but left unbaited on the bank.
7. A maximum of 6 pints of bait in total plus 2 kilos of ground bait.
8. No fixed rigs to be used all weights and feeders must be free on the line.
9. Max weight 2oz or 60gms on rigs.
10. A maximum of 20 fishing anglers are allowed on the fishery at any time.
11. No damage to be caused to the vegetation around the lake.
12. No tins or glass containers to be taken on the fishery.
13. Anything brought onto the fishery, such as bait, but not used must be taken away.
14. All other Association rules that do not conflict with these rules apply.
15. All vehicles must be parked so as to make best use of the available space and not to obstruct the roadway

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